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BMGF, IAD plan expanding free Lymphatic Filariasis treatment in India: Dr Narahari

IAD founder-director Dr S R Narahari along with BMGF global development president Dr Christopher Elias during the latter's recent visit to IAD's treatment centre in Lucknow. Photo: Special Arrangement.

After successfully treating  over one thousand Lymphatic Filariasis patients in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar through integrative medicine, Institute of Applied Dermatology (IAD) in India in partnership with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is now contemplating expanding the free treatment project to other highly endemic divisions in Uttar Pradesh and states like Chhattisgarh and Odisha.

Both BMGF and IAD are looking forward to support from respective state governments for expanding the free treatment project for the benefit of the patients.

BMGF has been funding the free Lymphatic Filariasis treatment project of Kerala-based not-for-profit healthcare institute IAD, which has been running treatment centers at Varanasi, Lucknow, Patna, and Begusarai with the support of respective state governments and Union Ministry of Ayush.

IAD is the world’s first institute to develop a scientifically proven integrative medicine for successful treatment of chronic lymphatic filariasis and lymphedema.

BMGF has joined hands with IAD for the free treatment project to bring much-needed relief to thousands of patients suffering from Lymphatic Filariasis (LF), a debilitating and neglected tropical disease that causes severe disability and social stigma.

“We are really proud of our partnership with BMGF to provide free treatment to patients from impoverished and remote regions. Our project could bring relief to several patients, helping them return to their normal lives. But thousands still suffer, and we are aiming to reach out to them,” said IAD founder-director Dr S R Narahari.

He said BMGF global development president Dr Christopher Elias, along with BMGF Country Director Hari Menon, Dr Rajani Ved and BMGF Deputy Director Dr Bhupendra Tripathi, recently visited the Lucknow treatment center where they interacted with patients and took stock of the progress of the project that offered free treatment to deserving patients.

“Our integrative treatment, combining allopathy with Ayurveda, yoga, and diet, has been lauded for its comprehensive nature, addressing not only the physical symptoms of Lymphatic Filariasis but also the emotional and social impacts. We are not only treating a disease but restoring dignity and hope to thousands of people. Our goal is to bring smiles back to the faces of those who have suffered silently for too long,” Dr Narahari said.

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