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How a self-trained Kerala youth is making it big in Sambo, Ju-Jitsu martial arts  

Rahul H S

Defying setbacks and financial constraints, a youngster in Kerala is pursuing his passion to become a champion in two martial art forms – Sambo and Ju-Jitsu. While these disciplines may not be as mainstream as Karate or Judo in Kerala, Rahul H S, 25, from Venganoor in Thiruvananthapuram, is on a mission to make a name in these two martial arts. While Sambo is a Russian martial art, Ju-Jitsu is a Japanese martial art.

Rahul, who has completed his master’s in physics, is driven by an unyielding spirit and a burning desire to excel. It was at the age of 18 that Rahul started learning these martial arts, fascinated by the physical skills, techniques, and mental strength required to master them. Lack of financial support had forced him to stay away from international events many times. “I realized that I need to become my own coach, and I started rigorous training,” Rahul told “Open Digest.”

However, the harsh realities he faced in life made him reach out to several youngsters and become their coach. “My experience made me a coach, and I started offering training to people. I became the mentor of those who lacked a coach to realise and achieve their dreams,” he said.

Many of his students in Ju-Jitsu have gone on to win championships at Asian levels. “I take pride in the achievements of my students,” he added. Rahul is now a top-ranked Sambo referee in the Referee Examination conducted by the Sambo Association of India.

Rahul is also working as an assistant professor in an engineering college in Thiruvananthapuram. As Rahul continues to hone his skills in Sambo and Ju-Jitsu, his story resonates beyond the realm of martial arts, becoming a beacon of hope for those striving to overcome adversity. It is a reminder that with dedication, passion, and a steadfast commitment to personal growth, individuals can transcend financial barriers and achieve greatness in pursuits that truly matter to them.

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