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Kerala artist makes stunning comeback 20 yrs after heart attack nearly ends his life

Vincent S

A massive heart attack at the age of 36 devastated the life of Vincent S, a then-budding artist from Kerala who was putting his best effort into carving out a name in the art world. The attack in 1994 left him permanently ill, and his life became a relentless struggle against the odds.

After grappling with the devastating aftermath of the attack in the form of other severe health complications for the last 20 years, Vincent of Kanjiramkulam, Thiruvananthapuram is now back to conducting art shows, embarking on a new chapter in his life.

His comeback is a testament to the fact that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, anything is possible with unwavering determination and faith in oneself. For 20 long years, he teetered on the brink of existence, his body waging a silent war against the ravages of disease and decay. Each day was a battle for survival, and each breath a testament to his unyielding spirit.

Despite the overwhelming challenges he faced, Vincent refused to surrender to despair. With unshakeable determination, he clung to life, his spirit unbroken even in the face of unimaginable hardship. His life confined to a room for years battling poor health gave him the confidence to bounce back.

“I was not in contact with anyone for 20 years. The world has undergone significant change in the last two decades. But nature has the power to heal and give us hope for better days ahead. This gave me the strength to fight back,” Vincent told “Open Digest.”

His passion for arts led him to join for Masters in Fine Arts College, Thiruvananthapuram in 2016 when he regained strength at the age of 57. Vincent started drawing at a very young age as he was attracted to the beauty of nature. His parents wanted him to pursue an engineering degree, but he eventually followed his artistic instincts and enrolled in a Bachelor’s program at University Fine Arts College in 1984.

A work of Vincent S

Though he started painting in 2014 after gradually recovering his health, his journey was marked by moments of triumph and setbacks, but through it all, he never lost sight of his ultimate goal—to share his passion for art with the world.

“Life is never too easy to predict. There isn’t a next moment. So live the moment,” he said. Through his paintings, Vincent offers a glimpse into the depths of his soul, which is concerned with the changes that happened to the world around while he silently fought a war within.

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