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Kerala farmers show the way in using drones for paddy cultivation

A drone being used in a paddy field at Ramamangalam for spraying fertiliser.

Farmers of Kerala have started to embrace latest technology and the new addition are drones which they are now extensively using for spraying fertilizers in paddy fields. Even panchayats in the state are coming out with projects to help farmers use drones to save time and labour cost. On Wednesday,  Ramamangalam grama panchayat in Ernakulam launched a project to enable farmers to use drones to spray fertilizers on all paddy fields in the panchayat.

The project was inaugurated by Anoop Jacob MLA, who stressed that use of technology in farming would result in making farming more profitable. The project is being implemented by Ramamangalam Krishi Bhavan which is using drones to spray a micronutrient mixture on the paddy fields.

Agriculture officials said drones were already being used for spraying fertilizers in pineapple fields in Ernakulam as it saves a lot of manpower and labour cost. “Drones can be easily used for spraying fertilizers on paddy fields compared to pineapple fields. More farmers will start using drones considering rising labour cost and shortage of labour,” the officer said, adding that if all the panchayats in the state come out with a project similar to Ramamangalam then individual farmers will stand to benefit.

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