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Kerala in must-visit list of The New York Times

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Kerala has received another major recognition for its sustainable tourism development initiatives with The New York Times listing Kerala as one of the must visit places in 2023. As per the list “52 Places to Go in 2023” published in New York Times, Kerala is the only destination from India.

An elated Kerala Tourism Minister P A Muhammad Riyas took to FB and wrote; “Kerala is the only place listed from India in the list published by The New York Times. It’s a major recognition for Kerala. Kerala government is looking forward to the support of the people in implementing more popular tourism schemes,” the Minister said.

The list published by The New York Times has quoted Paige McClanahan as saying: “We travel to immerse ourselves in other cultures, but some forms of community tourism put residents on display without offering benefits. Not so in Kerala — a southern Indian state celebrated for its beaches, backwater lagoons, cuisine and rich cultural traditions like the Vaikathashtami festival — where the government has adopted an award-winning approach that allows visitors to experience village life while supporting the communities that host them. In Kumarakom, one of several “responsible tourism destinations” in the state, visitors can paddle through jungly canals, weave rope from coconut fiber and even learn to climb a palm tree. In Maravanthuruthu, visitors can follow a storytelling trail and enjoy village street art before taking in an evening performance of a traditional temple dance.”

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