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Kerala Police officer wins hearts arranging O-ve blood for desperate caller

Thiruvalla Police Station Circle Inspector Sunil Krishnan B K (left) and Civil Police Officer V Manoj Kumar. Image Credit: Special Arrangement

Thiruvalla native H Ajith Kumar was distraught when doctors of Thiruvalla Taluk Hospital asked him to immediately arrange O-ve blood for his wife who was admitted to the hospital for delivery-related complications on May 16. As a last attempt, he dialled Kerala Police and to his surprise, a donor was arranged immediately by a police officer and send to the hospital in a police vehicle.

It was after desperately reaching out to several persons seeking this rare blood group that Ajith Googled Thiruvalla Police Station number and dialled the number that came up in the search. Though he thought that the call would connect him to the police station number, it went to the station Circle Inspector’s official mobile number. As a voice picked up the other end, Ajith Kumar asked “Is it Thiruvalla Police Station?”. The sudden reply came: “If you want to call the station, dial the landline number. This is the mobile number of the CI.” As Ajith was going to hang up the phone apologetically, the voice at the other end asked, “You sound worried. What’s the matter?”.

Ajith replied that his wife was admitted to taluk hospital for delivery and the doctors have asked him to arrange O-ve blood immediately. He tried several places, but couldn’t find a donor because it was a rare blood group. He decided to call up the police station as a last resort. On hearing what Ajith said, the voice at the other end consoled him and assured him that the blood would be arranged soon. CI Sunil Krishnan B K didn’t waste time. He knew someone at the police station had an O-ve blood group. He found out and directed Civil Police Officer V Manoj Kumar to rush to the hospital in a police jeep and donate blood.

 “My official mobile number shows up in Google when someone searches for the Thiruvalla Police Station number. I used to get a lot of calls asking whether it is the police station. In this case too, I initially thought that it might be a random caller who wanted to know some information from the station. But I sensed panic in his voice and asked him for more details. I am happy that we could help the person. We are happy that people are calling for us for all sorts of support,” said Sunil Krishnan.

The police department also appreciated the CI and the Civil Police Officer for acting fast to support the person who sought the help of the police in getting a rare blood group. In a Facebook post, the Kerala Police appreciated the two officers and directed the public to make use of the police app for blood in case of an emergency situation. The post said the public could use “Pol-App” in situations when blood is needed for medical emergencies.

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