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Kerala SchoolWiki wins applause from UNESCO

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In recognition of educational innovation and the power of free knowledge, SchoolWiki of Kerala Education Department has found its place in the Global Education Monitoring Report, a publication by UNESCO.

SchoolWiki is a unique initiative by IT@School, which was launched in 2009 to foster a culture of collaborative learning among students. Implemented in collaboration with over 15,000 schools, encompassing government, aided, and private institutions, SchoolWiki is a platform that offers an extensive array of educational resources, including schools’ elementary data, historical references, infrastructure, celebrated alumni, school websites, maps, blogs, class magazines, and a rich assortment of supporting images and videos.

The Global Education Monitoring Report cites SchoolWiki as an example of the ingenious use of Wikipedia software within an educational framework. Spearheaded by Kite under IT@school, this initiative gathers and disseminates the creative endeavours of students and the teaching materials crafted by educators.

Powered by the software of Wikipedia, the world’s largest free encyclopaedia, School Wiki boasts an impressive 1,56,262 articles, each a testament to the collective wisdom of the educational community.

“We’re happy that SchoolWiki has grabbed the attention of UNESCO,” an official with the Kerala Education Department said. “This recognition is a testament to the fact that when we harness the power of free knowledge and technology, we can pave the path toward a brighter future for all,” he added.

The report also shines a light on Kerala’s commitment to promote free software. With more than 20 lakh computers in schools in the state equipped with free and open-source software, Kerala is leading the charge in embracing technology as a catalyst for equitable education.

Operating entirely in Malayalam, SchoolWiki has flourished with over 30,000 articles and a community of 13,000 active users, a number that continues to grow daily. More than just a repository of information, SchoolWiki is a platform where students, teachers, alumni, and the public come together to create educational content.

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