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No more ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’, only ‘Teacher’ in Kerala schools

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No more “Sir” and “Madam” in schools in Kerala. Students of the schools in the state will address the faculties as only “teacher” hereafter. The Child Rights Commission (CRC) has come out with a directive that students in schools should address both male and female faculties in the school as just “teacher’.

The Commission has issued a directive to all departments concerned and schools in the state in this regard. As per an official note published by the Kerala government, “Child Rights Commission has directed to address both male and female faculty members as just ‘Teacher’ irrespective of gender. Terms like “madam” and “sir” should be avoided. The Commission issued its recommendations under Section 15 of the Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act.”

This order upholding gender neutrality has come at a time when the state government has already won the hearts of the women in the state by removing “Wife of” from the application forms and replacing it with “Spouse of”. Women from various sectors have been welcoming the steps being taken by the state government on gender neutrality.

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