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Residents skip Vishu extravaganza, fund youth’s treatment with saved money

A family of Mariapally in Kottayam handing over the money as part of a fund collection drive organised by the residents for the treatment of the youth. Image Credit : Special Arrangement

Displaying true spirit of compassion, residents of Mariapally in Kottayam have rallied together to raise funds for kidney treatment of a 20-year-old youth. Rather than spending money on crackers or other extravaganza on the occasion of Vishu festival in April, each household in the village selflessly saved the particular amount and contributed it towards the young man’s medical expenses.

The generous act of the residents has not only brought hope to a young patient but also created a positive impact on the hearts of everyone about human values of support and care for one another.

Anandu N A, son of Anilkumar, Nangyaruparampil, Mariapally had been diagnosed with a chronic kidney ailment that required immediate and costly treatment. Though Anilkumar was ready to donate one of his kidneys for his son, facing financial challenges, he was unsure about how they would afford the necessary funds for the medical intervention.

However, when Vishu approached, the residents collectively decided to redirect their Vishu expenditure to support Anand’s treatment. Cutting across political affiliations, the residents led a grass-root level campaign visiting all houses in the area and explaining to the people about the need to raise Rs 10 lakh for the transplant surgery and Rs 30,000 per month for a year as subsequent treatment expenses. Within a day, a total of 8.5 lakh rupees was collected from 1,000 households while the remaining amount was collected in two weeks.

“We could collect the required amount because of the whole-hearted support of the people. We are really happy that we could unite for such a noble cause and raise the amount within a short period of time,” said ward member Jaya teacher.

She added that the entire residents were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and the willingness shown by everyone to contribute. The fund was later handed over to Anandu and his family.

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