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Students of these govt schools in Kerala play games & puzzles to learn maths, science

Children learning maths through games at one of the schools in the panchayat. Photo: Special Arrangement

In this panchayat in Kerala, children of classes upto seventh standard don’t feel the pressure of studying mathematics and science subjects. Deviating from the usual teaching method, public schools in Vadavucode Puthencruz Gram Panchayat in Ernakulam follow a teaching style through which subjects like science and maths are presented before them in the form of games, drawings and puzzles.

The panchayat has implemented its flagship Disha Comprehensive Education Project in seven schools that include one aided school to improve the standard of public education and make learning less stressful and fun for the students.

“We are getting tremendous response from the parents as students are keen to come to school after we introduced the new teaching method,” said panchayat president Sonia Murukesan. She said the panchayat has been successfully running the new teaching method for the last five years and it resulted in more number of children seeking admission in public schools.

As part of the project, the panchayat also provided special training to the teachers of the schools to adapt to the new teaching method. “We conduct regular refreshment training programmes for the teachers,” she added.

Panchayat vice president Asokakumar K K said after the introduction of the new teaching method, a government school in the panchayat started getting more students. “The enrolment of students at Kuttimannur government UP school has gone high after we introduced the new teaching method. Parents who have been sending their children to nearby private schools now want to enrol their wards in public schools,” he added.

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