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Vypeen farmers script success with Vypeen brand Pokkali rice getting huge demand globally

Workers at a Pokkali rice field in Vypeen. Photo: Special Arrangement.

This is the success story of about 50 active farmers of Vypeen in Ernakulam, Kerala who have made Vypeen brand “Pokkali” rice products a big hit globally. With the support of Kerala Agriculture Department, rice farming in Vypeen has returned to its old glory by converting over 129 hectares of barren land into Pokkali rice fields.

Their efforts to take up Pokkali rice farming have yielded big results with their rice products getting huge demand at the International Trade Fair on Millets and Organics which was recently held in Bengaluru. Thanks to a team of agriculture officials at Njarackkal block who have been continuously coordinating with the farmers in the region to boost the Pokkali rice production and find new markets for the rice products.

“This year we could add 29 more hectares of land into Pokkali farming and reap good production. We have produced over 113 tonnes of Pokkali rice,” said Njarackkal Krishi Bhavan officer Angela Cyriac.

Officials said the pokkali rice products with Vypeen GI tag received tremendous response from the buyers at the trade fair. “Vypeen Pokkali rice variety is the first to get the GI tag because of its unique farming method that does not use any chemicals and pesticides,” the officials said.

The rice products included Pokkali aval, Pokkali pachari under the brand name Vypeen Organic, Pokkali puttu powder and Vypeen Ruchi brand Puzhukalari.

A team led by Njarakkal Block Agriculture Department Assistant Director P V Susamma was at the trade fair to explore the possibilities of finding a global market for Vypeen Pokkali rice products which also have medicinal properties. The International Trade Fair for Organic Products and Millets was held in Bangalore from January 20 to 22.

The three-day fair was jointly organized by Karnataka Agriculture Department and Karnataka State Agricultural Produce Processing and Export Corporation Limited (KAPPEC) in collaboration with International Competence Center for Organic Agriculture (ICCOA).

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