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When 3 Kerala techies compete with Google’s search engine using NoFrills

From Left: Subhash Sasidharakurup, Vinci Mathews and Dileep Jacob.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the tech world, and three techies from Kerala have launched an AI-driven search engine called NoFrills, which they claim has abilities to take on Google.

For the last one year, three friends — Subash Sasidharakurup, Dileep Jacob, and Vinci Mathews — have been doing extensive research and development to launch the search engine after setting up a startup with offices in the US and in Bengaluru.

“Technology has thrown open a world of immense opportunities for everyone. Google has been dominating the market with their search engine for the last several years because of their huge resources which small companies do not have. But the advent of AI and related technology has opened up doors for smaller companies to come out with products that can compete with Google, and NoFrills is our search engine which offers more features than Google’s search engine,” NoFrills co-founder Subash told “Open Digest“.

While Subash holds a B-Tech in electronics and communications, both Dileep and Vinci have completed their master’s degrees in technology. “The idea to launch a totally AI-driven search engine struck us after we successfully developed a technology called Watasale, a cashier-less retail store which was later acquired by Amazon,” Subash said.

According to him, one of the salient features of NoFrills is that it gives in-depth search results for a query, encompassing all details rather than throwing up web links. Also, NoFrills can handle queries in all languages, including India’s regional languages like Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, and Telugu.

“In Google, when a query is given, it shows links of websites that are either promoted as Google advertisements or optimized with search engine keywords. The person has to check each web link to collect the details or information. In NoFrills, the search engine displays comprehensive results for a query with an option to do a follow-up query on the details displayed,” Subash said, adding that while keyword expertise is needed to get exact search results in Google, NoFrills assists the user in getting the exact information through AI.