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When a Kerala youth fought for justice against Honda motorcycle dealer & won

Aravind George and the two wheeler which he purchased from the dealer. Image Credit: Special Arrangement.

Aravind George John of Nedumbassery in Kerala is now a big fan of consumer protection laws in the country. This 35-year-old has won a landmark victory for consumer rights following a legal battle against a vehicle dealer who sold him an old model motorcycle while concealing the original year of its manufacture.

Aravind says that if he could win this battle, everyone can. “People who are duped like this should stand up for it. Let this victory serve as a reminder to everyone that injustice like this should never be tolerated and that the truth will always win,” Aravind told “Open Digest.”

For over five years, Aravind legally fought the case before the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, which finally issued a favourable order directing the dealer to pay substantial compensation of Rs one lakh to Aravind.

Aravind bought a new Honda CB Unicorn Motorbike from Arya Bhangy Motors, an authorised Honda motorcycle dealer in Aluva, for a price of Rs. 85,660 in March 2018.

As per the case details, Aravind made the booking for the motorcycle on February 22, 2018, after specifically confirming with the dealer that he would be delivered only a 2018 model. On March 7, 2018, the motorcycle was delivered by the dealer to Aravind along with insurance documents showing that the motorcycle was a 2018 make.

However, when Aravind received the Registration Certificate on April 2, 2018, the year of manufacture of the motorcycle was recorded as 2017. “Moreover, there were also some faulty mechanical issues with the motorcycle. I took the motorcycle to an independent mechanic who found that the chassis of the motorcycle had a bend, and the brake system also had some damages,” Aravind said.

Aravind soon realised that the dealer had deliberately hidden the original year of manufacture and had sold him an older model. He and his father were in shock when the staff at the dealership rudely behaved with them when they approached with a complaint.

“We tried to get in touch with the dealer. But they rudely behaved with us and said that there was nothing they could do about it,” said Joy Cherian, Aravind’s father. They were so arrogant, and that prompted Aravind to take legal recourse. “We were shabbily treated, and that encouraged us to legally fight against them,” Aravind added. In fact, their decision to invoke consumer protection laws to seek justice for deceptive trade practices has now yielded results.

The Commission, led by its president Advocate D B Binu, found the dealer Arya Bhangy Motors guilty and ordered them to compensate Aravind with a significant sum of Rs one lakh. Though Aravind had to wait for five years to get justice, his resilience and unwavering commitment to justice ultimately proved to be the driving force behind his triumph.

As Aravind celebrates his hard-fought triumph, his case stands as a beacon of hope for consumers facing similar challenges, inspiring them to stand up against deceptive practices and seek justice through legal channels. This victory reinforces the principle that consumers have the right to accurate information and fair treatment, and that those who violate these rights will be held accountable in a court of law.


  1. Jose Mathew December 8, 2023

    This is just the beginning. Next comes that State Commission then the National Commission and finally the Supreme Court. After all this he will start execution proceedings which will follow the same pattern. So dont start celebrating

  2. Anonymous December 8, 2023

    Went through ur ordeals, ur fight didn’t go in vain, honesty and truth prevailed, i am so happy for u u valientely fought against the dealer , these days i am hearing lots of complaints against new motorcycles even I have heard lots of complaints with royal Enfield and KTM bikes , i really appreciate ur fighting attitude for justice

  3. Anonymous December 9, 2023

    Never buy motor cycles from Arya bhangy Honda , Aluva. Very arrogant dealership and rude male staff. Worst maintenance. I bought a cb unicorn in 2011. I also faced rude behaviour from Arya bhangy Honda, Aluva dealer.

  4. Anonymous December 9, 2023

    What nonsense. 5 years! 1 lakh is not a substantial amount to be levied from a dealer. The amount should sting. Make a hole in the pocket of the dealer so that they next time they try to make profit in such manner, they should remember that they might lose not just the profit but much more that. Only that will deter them from repeating such practices.

  5. December 9, 2023

    COngrats , you Deserved victory inspite of ppl around you who discouraged you.

    Could anyone share how to file a consumer redressal, the sure steps and only through competent authorities ?

    You may ping me on whatsapp 7011 647 118

  6. B V S SRINIVAS December 9, 2023

    Yes, Mine is also same case with a TATA cars dealer M/S SIVA SANKAR MOTORS in Visakhapatnam, Andhrapradesh. When I had approached them to buy a new car they had sold me Tata Indica vista car which was manufactured in 2008 as if it was manufactured in 2010. I had noticed this through a private car broker and in 2012 and filed a case in District consumer forum. This forum had dismissed the case as I did not prove that it was manufactured in 2008 even though the dealer had accepted that the car was manufactured in 2008.I had filed the petition in the state forum and it gave me order in favor of me stating ” The accepted fact i.e accepted by the dealer that it was manufactured in the 2008,need not be proved by the complainany”.it took 10 years from 2013 to 2023 to get Rs 300000 /- compensation on 09/11/2023 from the dealer for his wrong doing.

  7. Anonymous December 9, 2023

    5 years to get justice for no fault of the consumer. Hats off to our judiciary system. Hope he gets the compensation on time. This dealer has to be jailed for his arrogance only then they will learn a lesson.

  8. Akash December 10, 2023

    I’m going to fight with Royal Enfield very soon if the dealer failed to get things right by the given time. I’m in a mental stressed from 7 months with this dealer I tweeter to get in touch with RE officials and they also told him to do things correctly and I’m sure they will disappoint me again so next option is legal suit from my end.

  9. Anonymous December 10, 2023

    Kudos to you Aravind,
    You didn’t lose focus and patience.
    Though the compensation is very little after a wait to 5 years it’s a lesson for the dealer and others who follow unethical business practice

  10. Bapu December 10, 2023

    Love your spirit of fighting the case for 5 yrs .The fine amount of 1lac is too less for the dealer and it seems they are habitual offenders so y not cancel their license and shut shop over and above the fine .

  11. Jith hegde December 10, 2023

    .. and the Honda Dealer continues to remain an Authorised Honda Dealer after all the fraudulent practices!
    Yes, the Dealer along with Honda might approach the higher courts.
    The punishment of just a Lakh of Rupees is a joke after 5 years of struggle.
    George should approach the higher courts for at least 20 lakhs plus cancellation of the dealership for a Company like Honda claiming clear honest business practices. Honda also can be penalised.

  12. Ahamed December 10, 2023

    A big applaud to Aravind!
    Considering the time span of 5 years, one lakh isn’t worth but still he fought for justice and finally the victory.
    This is encouraging and a lil understanding for the dealer!!

  13. Anonymous December 11, 2023

    The customer is taken for granted and the Gandhian saying that Customer is always right is ditched.
    The manufacturer shall cancel the dealership for those agencies if the customer is proven right at the court. Laws and agreement shall be in such a manner so that other agencies also fear

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