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Kerala farmer strikes gold with curry leaves, earns lakhs

Sundaran B at his curry tree farm in Neduvathoor, Kollam, Kerala.

Sundaran B, a small-time farmer from Kollam in Kerala, never thought that a curry tree would change his life for the better and open up a revenue stream of lakhs a year. In the last three years, the 58-year-old Sundaran from Neduvathoor has earned upto Rs 400 for a kilogram of curry leaves which he harvested from over 200 curry trees planted on his 20 cents of land.

Curry leaves, a crop that once held little market value, have transformed his life, and he is happy with his decision to dedicate over 20 cents of his land to farming curry leaves. “I decided to grow curry trees at a time when the market for curry leaves was minimal, and most farmers avoided it, focusing instead on more traditional, higher-value crops. I knew that there was a shortage of chemical and pesticide-free curry leaves in the local market. I got really motivated when I could sell one kilogram of curry leaves for Rs 400 from a curry tree in my plot,” Sundaran told “Open Digest“.

Soon, he decided to pivot, investing time and resources into understanding the best practices for growing superior curry leaves following organic manure. “The curry leaves we get in the local market are from Tamil Nadu. I strictly do not use any chemicals or fertilizers for growing curry leaves. I only apply cow dung and other organic manure on my farm,” he said.

People from nearby places come to Sundaran’s farm to buy curry leaves as they are renowned for their exceptional aroma and freshness, distinguishing them from a market flooded with subpar alternatives. The once undervalued crop now fetches Rs 400 per kilogram, a price that reflects the premium quality of Sundaran’s produce.

By transforming a neglected crop into a profitable venture, Sundaran has not only changed his own life but has also set an example for sustainable farming practices that benefit both the farmer and the environment. Sundaran is now planning to plant more curry trees because of the rising demand for fresh curry leaves.


  1. Anonymous May 16, 2024

    Really exciting ✨and inspiring achievement

  2. Aswathy May 17, 2024

    Hi, is it possible to get his number. I’m also a curry leaves farmer but struggling to find market to sell produce.

  3. RAMAN SRIVASTAVA IPS May 17, 2024

    Hello !!
    I would like to get in touch and/or meet the Farmer Mr Sundaran.
    How can I get his Contact Number / Address ?
    Grateful for this information.

  4. Anonymous May 17, 2024

    Very good papa keep it up.

  5. Igi May 17, 2024

    The farmer himself when contacted that the price mentioned his highly exaggerated. He says that Rs 80 a kg is good price and that the maximum he once got was Rs 150 a kg

  6. Rajesh Kumar May 18, 2024

    I can arrange 70 Rs per kg for unlimited supply please call on 9872110845

  7. Jospeh May 18, 2024

    Can we have his contact number so that we can get his product..

  8. Uk May 18, 2024

    Honestly,he is just lucky or the article is farcical.

  9. Anonymous May 22, 2024

    Could you please share the phone number of Mr. Sundaran to my mail.

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