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V K Varghese of Vee Kay Vees Caterers empowering college students to earn while they learn

V K Varghese (extreme right) with his young staff at an event organised by Vee Kay Vees Caterers. Image Credit: Special Arrangement

V K Varghese of Vee Kay Vees Caterers in Kerala is revolutionising the part-time work culture for college students by prioritising the financial well-being of young adults pursuing higher education.

At a time when the market offered limited part-time work opportunities for college students, V K Varghese introduced a comprehensive plan to actively involve them in the catering business providing them the opportunity to work as servers at events organised by Vee Kay Vees Caterers.

“I knew the financial challenges faced by students who come to Kochi to study in different institutions. So I always wanted to help them. In fact, we were the first catering firm to offer part-time jobs to college students who want to earn while learning,” Varghese told “Open Digest“.

His innovative approach not only provided the students with a much-needed source of income but also allowed them to gain practical experience in the hospitality industry, honing their skills and building a strong professional network. “Practical experience along with education chisel their skills and equip them with the tools they need to succeed in their future. Vee Kay Vees Caterers opened opportunities for students because we realised the need for a more meaningful and flexible employment option for college students. We wanted to create an environment where they could earn while learning,” Varghese said.

At Vee Kay Vees Caterers, enthusiastic college students are given the chance to work alongside experienced professionals, learning the intricacies of event planning, food preparation and service delivery.

By providing students with the means to earn while they learn, V K Varghese and Vee Kay Vees Caterers have transformed the landscape of part-time work for college students in Kerala. The pioneering part time work model of V K Varghese has not only helped alleviate financial burdens of several students but also instilled a sense of purpose and direction in them.

In fact, V K Varghese has proved that creating opportunities for young individuals can lead to remarkable transformation in their lives and communities at large.

(This article is part of our brand campaign for youth empowerment: Nourishing Dreams)

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