As India successfully conducted a key test of its ambitious crewed space mission, Gaganyaan, a few days ago, a team of engineers at Kerala’s very own Public Sector Undertaking (PSU), Keltron, is a proud lot. The Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) has appreciated Keltron for providing 44 key components for the Mission Gaganyaan. The components supplied by Keltron include avionics and inference modules. The components were manufactured at Keltron units in Manvilla and Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram.
Kerala Industries Minister P Rajeev appreciated Keltron for becoming a part of the Gaganyaan mission by manufacturing the key components. “Keltron manufactured the components by adhering to strict quality standards prescribed by the Indian Space Research Organisation. It’s a matter of great pride that a PSU from Kerala is becoming a part of the country’s historic project,” Rajeev wrote in a social media post.
Keltron has been collaborating with ISRO for the last 40 years, supplying components for several space projects. Keltron had also supplied 41 components for the Chandrayaan-3 Mission.
The entire world is closely watching the Mission Gaganyaan as it will be the first time that India will be sending a crewed mission into space. India is developing a space capsule to carry a three-member crew into an orbit of 400 km (250 miles) for three days before bringing it back to Earth. According to the latest reports, the Mission Gaganyaan is expected to be launched from Sriharikota before 2024.
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